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Political Intelligence Madrid is the first Public Affairs Agency in Spain to obtain the transparency certificate of TRACE International

Political Intelligence Madrid has taken a significant step forward in solidifying its long-standing tradition and commitment to transparency, especially its leadership in ethics and the professionalization of the lobbying and institutional relations sector in Spain and across Europe. The firm has become the first Public Affairs consulting agency in Spain to receive the prestigious international certificate from TRACE International.

As many multinational companies are increasingly investing in due diligence processes and evaluating the activities of their stakeholders, there is a growing demand for comprehensive transparency and adherence to good practice standards. TRACE International is a global nonprofit trade association that offers multinationals and their worldwide stakeholders (suppliers, agencies, consultants, distributors, etc.) practical and effective solutions in the realm of transparency.

To simplify and unify these processes, TRACE International has developed a single compliance certificate that sets forth high standards for professional ethics and moral obligations. This certificate recognizes companies that meet TRACE International’s rigorous criteria for good practices, allowing them to share this certification with their stakeholders.

Political Intelligence Madrid underwent an exhaustive review process to secure this internationally recognized certification, further enhancing its transparency and commitment to good practices. This achievement underscores Political Intelligence Madrid’s ongoing dedication to upholding the highest standards of transparency and ethics in the practice of Public Affairs. The recognition as a TRACE-certified firm reaffirms its role as a company firmly committed to maintaining the utmost ethical standards in its operations.

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