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With the opening of our first office in 2001, Political Intelligence Madrid became a pioneer in Spanish public affairs consultancy. Known as go-getters with unmatched expertise, clients consistently choose to rely on us, resulting in lasting partnerships. Excitingly, we have expanded our reach with a new office in Barcelona that addresses the same challenges as Madrid but ensures localised support.

Welcome to Spain

Connecting our intelligence to innovation, we put new insights on the map. In doing so, we dare to challenge the status quo: through disruptive paradigms, we address political, social and economic changes that affect your company. As for us, changes present chances – chances to change political ecosystems and business barriers for the better.

Our sectors

Our fields
of action

Technology and digitalisation

  • AI
  • cybersecurity
  • privacy
  • e-commerce
  • audiovisual means
  • telecom
  • sharing economy​

Energy and climate

  • energy transition
  • climate change
  • sustainability
  • fintech
  • circular economy
  • sustainable mobility
  • rural and urban agenda

Driving sectoral policies

  • industry
  • tourism
  • food chain

Macroeconomic policies

  • taxation
  • employment and labour relations
  • budgets
  • support for productive sectors

Social and transformation policies

  • education
  • science and innovation
  • equality
  • consumer affairs


  • pharmaceutical industry
  • healthcare
  • socio-health services
  • health innovation
  • wellness

Our services

Intelligence and analysis

We thoroughly analyse the political landscape, public policies and legislative proposals to proactively identify risks and pinpoint short- and long-term opportunities. Besides, we closely monitor legislative processes and identify key actors, to deliver a comprehensive analysis in which we assess positions, trends and prevailing opinions.

Public affairs strategies

We help organisations in defining strategies for effective public policy formulation. Based on a detailed analysis of the environment and possible scenarios, we offer clear and direct recommendations. This entails devising 360º campaigns aimed at achieving the desired impact – participating from the conception of an idea to its execution.

Positioning and advocacy

We establish and enhance the institutional positioning of organisations by developing relationship strategies within their political and institutional ecosystem. All of this by leveraging existing visibility opportunities and generating new spaces to increase relevance, improve reputation, legitimise causes and defend the organisations’ objectives.


We are experts in building coalitions that unite organisations and stakeholders with a transformational goal. On the one hand, we manage associations (both sector-specific and cross-disciplinary) facilitating their interaction with the environment. This strengthens their legitimacy and drives their political agenda. On the other hand, we coordinate grassroot campaigns to activate local action groups, consumer associations, scientific and academic institutions and other relevant actors.

Policy Comms

We use a wide range of communication tools to support the institutional objectives of each organisation. First, we identify the most suitable channels, manage them and enrich them with relevant content. Then, we adapt the narrative of each project to resonate with our target audiences, maintaining consistent messages across all our communications. Furthermore, we foster trustworthy relationships with the media to advocate for our clients’ interests within public discourse.

Talent management in corporate affairs

Corporate affairs play a pivotal role in organisations, yet sourcing and training top-tier talent can pose challenges. Political Intelligence serves as a valuable ally in this regard, offering specialised services in talent recruitment and selection. Moreover, we provide consultation on team and departmental organisation, on specialised training, and on the strategic positioning of managers and leaders.

Our team

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sparring partners

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Pablo Gutiérrez-Jodra

Head of Corporate Transformation Services

We have always been driven by our commitment to ethics and transparency. This has enabled us to foster institutional relations in Spain and to contribute to their professionalisation, both as a practice and as a sector.

Managing Partners of PI Madrid and Barcelona

Our news

Read all the latest news

Nueva regulación farmacéutica: cinco cosas que sabemos (y cinco preguntas por responder) 

El Ministerio de Sanidad es el gran regulador del sistema sanitario: establece las normas de funcionamiento comunes para todos los servicios autonómicos…

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El secretario de Estado de Sanidad, Javier Padilla, se reúne con el sector en el último PI Coffe & Policy

Este 2 de julio hemos tenido la suerte de contar en nuestras oficinas de Madrid con el Secretario de Estado de Sanidad,…

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¿Qué podemos esperar tras las elecciones europeas? Claves y horizontes, en el último #InformePI

Los resultados de las elecciones europeas tendrán un efecto clave en el próximo lustro, tanto en Bruselas como en España, y, en…

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#InformePI para entender la cita electoral catalana: descubre los programas de los candidatos al Parlament

Este domingo, 12 de mayo, los catalanes están llamados a las urnas para renovar el Parlament. Entre el ruido de encuestas y…

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El mapa del Parlament tras las elecciones autonómicas, en el último #InformePI

Este 12 de mayo Cataluña le ha dado la mayoría al socialista Salvador Illa Roca, quien, tras años de hegemonía del bloque…

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Our offices in Spain


Carrer de Tuset, 3, 5ª planta
08006 Barcelona


C/ Libertad, 15-Bajo B.
28004 Madrid
T +34 91 4440 277

Maybe these markets are of interest to you?


The new kid on the block? Not really. Despite only being active as of 2018, we already have a certain stature in the Portuguese landscape. We give our partners a voice in political debates and solidify their position – ultimately turning needs into deeds.

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European Union

While we work in the same building as our Belgian colleagues, we specialise in EU topics. This makes our Brussels office the ideal hub for collaboration. We pride ourselves in having a professional yet people-oriented approach, ensuring that we get the work done while valuing personal connections. As a result, there will always be room for a coffee catchup in between strategy sessions.

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With our office located in Brussels, we find ourselves at the crossroads of politics. Clients can turn to us for Belgian policy matters, for which we can also engage with the European Parliament and neighbouring bodies.

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Pleased to meet you!

From a question to a quest for change, we are more than happy to help. Feel free to send us a message or to give us a call.

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